Women's greatest contribution to Computing

According to both, the documentary "The Queen of Code" and the reading "Grace Hopper - The Mother of Cobol" it was a woman the one who had the idea of creating a non-hardware specific Programming Language. It was such a contribution she was named Computing Man of the year, which she did not bother about the man. I think it is amazing for her time to gain the respect of all man in the area. I also think it is a shame that we usually do not hear this story, because we do not talk about computing history, it is very important and most of all encouraging to know that women in computing make big contributions.

It is a shame that after a women invented Cobol, we only talk about important man in the area, our career is full of men, and there are no women encouraging programs to bring more of them into the field, even when they were the ones making the biggest contributions. It is true that today we have more opportunities for women, but at least in my school there is no women in code program to encourage them. Big companies are beginning to realize we need them to contribute in Computer Science, but how come we did not see this earlier if they were one of the most relevant parts of the computer history.

I also found amazing that Grace achieve all of that while being treated as less because she was a woman. I think Grace might be the hero we all need to realize the importance of different points of view in the area.


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